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    How to increase visibility on Instagram

    How to increase the visibility of posts on Instagram

    If you wonder how to increase the visibility of posts on Instagram, put into practice the advice I am about to give you, in order to reach a wider audience.

    Post engaging content

    How to increase visibility on Instagram

    The first piece of advice I want to give you to increase the visibility of the photos and videos you post on Instagram it's also the simplest one: post engaging content that is actually interesting to the audience you want to target.

    Furthermore, it is necessary that these contents are able to "catch the eye": the attention threshold on social networks is very low, so you must make sure that users are encouraged to linger rather than continue browsing.

    In this regard, I recommend that you create content in theme with your profile Instagram and maybe even retouching photos using photo editing apps, like for example Snapseed (Android and iOS). Alternatively, you can make use of photo editing programs such as Photoshop e GIMP. Do not forget, then, to take a look at my guide dedicated to apps for editing videos and the one in which I tell you about the best programs for editing movies, to get an idea of ​​the tools to use for editing the contents you create. .

    Furthermore, it is also important to publish multimedia content on a regular basis. By accustoming your audience to consistency, you will make them feel loyal. This way, users who already follow you will be more happy to visit your profile Instagram, to interact with always new photos and / or videos.

    Curate the description of the posts

    How to increase visibility on Instagram

    increase visibility on Instagram it is equally important to take care of the description of the published posts, in order to attract the attention of users. In this regard, I recommend that you write a caption that is able to arouse the curiosity of users, inviting them to interact.

    You should, in a nutshell. formulate questions capable of arousing the curiosity of users and inviting them to action, with what is defined in jargon call to action. For example, if you have a goal to become a fashion blogger, you could post a video showing some outfits and write “These are my 5 look ideas for a wedding. What's your favorite outfit? Tell me in the comments ”. Or alternatively, if you have an account Instagram focused on cinema, it uses captions like “These are 10 films coming out next month, which one are you most looking forward to? Reply with a comment ”.

    What I have given you are just a few examples: you have to find the right formula for the type of business you do Instagram, in relation to the content you post.

    Use the right hashtags

    How to increase visibility on Instagram

    Another tip I want to give you is to use hashtag right to expand your audience. The hashtag they are words (written in English or, more rarely, in English) preceded by the symbol (#), which label published content, to help users find it more easily.

    As I have also explained to you in this guide of mine, use hashtags on Instagram it is essential to appear in search results and reach your potential audience. In the description of a post on Instagram up to 30 hashtags can be published, but it is necessary to have a perfect combination between the most popular hashtags and those most in theme with the published content.

    In this regard, to find out which hashtags to use to describe your posts on Instagram, you can take advantage of web services such as Top Hashtag e Websta or apps like HashTags for Instagram (per Android) e Top Tags (for iOS).

    How to increase the visibility of stories on Instagram

    Do you want to increase the visibility of stories on Instagram? Then pay attention to the suggestions that I will give you in the next ones, in order to understand how to best use this feature of the photographic social network and thus expand your audience.

    Take advantage of all the tools of the stories

    How to increase visibility on Instagram

    Instagram is a social network that gives the possibility to publish temporary photos and videos in the Stories. The multimedia contents published in this section, in fact, are visible to other users only for 24 hours: this feature is one of the main strengths of Instagram (at least at the time of writing, then the dynamics could change), consequently you should exploit it and you should involve users by inviting them to watch your Stories before they "expire".

    Also, you need to know that Instagram is a constantly evolving social network: in stories, for example, new features are always introduced, such as the ability to start a live broadcast or to publish a photo or video with background music.

    In this regard, if your intent is to depopulate on Instagram, I suggest you deepen the subject by reading my tutorial in which I talk to you about how Instagram stories work. In this way, you will know how to take advantage of all the tools made available by the social network.

    Engage the audience

    How to increase visibility on Instagram

    If you have read my tutorial on how Instagram works or if you know how to use all the main features of the photographic social network, now is the time to put into practice what you have learned.

    The suggestion I would like to give you is, in fact, to involve the public in Stories, publishing photos but above all videos, as the latter are able to attract the attention of social network users.

    Also, in the stories of Instagram, there are tools that facilitate user interaction, such as what is needed to create a Survey or the sticker Questions which, as easily understood, is used to invite followers to ask questions or give answers to a question posed by the author of the Story. To know how to use these tools in detail, refer to the tutorials I linked to you.

    How to increase the visibility of the Instagram profile

    Would you like some advice for increase the visibility of your Instagram profile? If so, read on - in the next few lines you should find what you're looking for.

    Curate your Instagram profile

    How to increase visibility on Instagram

    In order for users to visit your profile, you need to take care of it in all the most important aspects. In this regard, do not underestimate the choice of the name on Instagram. This, in addition to being in line with the content you have published, must be easy to remember, so that it can be easily found on Instagram.

    In addition to username it is important that the profile photo is of quality. For example, if you have an Instagram profile where you carry out a personal branding activity, the subject of the photo should be yourself. In that case, use a photo that portrays your face in the foreground and, if you need to, follow my tips on how to look good in the photo.

    Be, invent, use Instagram to promote your company, aim for a profile photo that shows the logo of the company. In this regard, if you need some advice on how to create free logos, read my guide dedicated to the subject.

    Also, don't forget to customize your profile bio Instagram: describe what is the intent you propose to achieve or tell what your hobbies and passions are, as well as the reasons that should push other people to follow you.

    Finally, if you are interested in having more tips on how to have a beautiful Instagram profile, take a look at the tutorial I made on the subject, for further food for thought.

    Interact with users

    How to increase visibility on Instagram

    Interaction with users is essential to increase visibility on Instagram, so get noticed by people who have the same interests as you. Instagram is a social network and, as such, users are invited to interact with each other.

    Consequently, if you put "like", if you comment or tag another person on Instagram, you will create a sort of "boomerang effect" with which you will encourage that person to reciprocate the interaction in a natural way. Remember that you cannot assume that others will follow and interact with you unless you are the first to do so.

    Analyze the statistics

    How to increase visibility on Instagram

    If you have a business Instagram profile, don't underestimate the importance of statistics (Insights), as these allow you to better understand what content is of interest to the people who follow you.

    To go to the section Insights di Instagram, first start the official app of the social network on Android and iOS. After logging into your account, press the button (≡) located at the top right and press on the item Statistics, on the menu you are shown.

    Please refer to the section Contents and press on the item Show all, to see what are the contents you have published and which have obtained greater visibility. For more information on how to use Insights of Instagram, see my guide dedicated to the topic.

    Other useful tips to increase visibility

    How to increase visibility on Instagram

    In addition to the advice I gave you in the previous chapters, I want to give you other tips to increase your visibility on Instagram.

    • Take a cue from successful content: if you need ideas on the content to publish, I suggest you take an example from the most popular posts on Instagram, which you can find in the section Explore. This is visible by pressing on theicona della lens d'ingrandimento, in the app Instagram for Android or iOS, or oncompass icon (in the web version of the service).
    • Don't buy likes or followers: buying likes or followers are not very useful tricks, as they do not allow you to obtain real results. Having followers or likes bought, in fact, only serves to "inflate" your profile in an artificial way. Furthermore, they do not allow you to put into practice all the tips I have given you so far in this tutorial of mine and are frowned upon by Instagram, which could even close your account.
    • Connect your Instagram profile to Facebook: a further tip I want to give you is to link your profile or your Instagram page to Facebook, in order to expand your audience. In this regard, refer to my tutorial in which I tell you about how to connect Instagram to Facebook and the one in which I explain how to share a story on Facebook.

    Finally, for more tips, advice and food for thought, I suggest you deepen the subject by reading my guides on how to have more views on Instagram and how to appear in someone's Instagram tips. In addition, I also advise you to read the tutorial in which I give you some tips on how to increase likes on Instagram for free and in a natural way, without resorting to artifice.

    How to increase visibility on Instagram

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